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    assault 結果共18筆

  • Shilin District Court judge falls to death from residence

    Taipei Shilin District Court Judge Li found dead after falling from 6th floor residence on Minquan East Road. Police rule out foul play; cause under investigation. Judicial Yuan President Hsu expresses regret. Li handled civil, financial, sexual assault cases and promoted new civil judges system.
    2024/04/12 11:41
  • Premier Chen vows zero tolerance for digital sex crimes

    Executive Yuan Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes zero tolerance for sexual harassment, assault, and child exploitation, warning of potential bans for foreign platforms not removing such content. This follows calls for a dedicated unit to combat digital sex crimes and revelations involving entertainer Mickey Huang. Amendments to gender equality laws and enhancements to the "113" reporting mechanism have been implemented, with substantial fines for non-compliance. TVBS advocates for public awareness and action against sexual misconduct.
    2024/04/08 14:52
  • Community mourns fallen officer Su Yu-hung in Keelung

    The tragic story of Officer Su Yu-hung’s untimely death at the Badu Police Station in Keelung City unfolds as his family returns for a soul-calling ritual. Colleagues pay tribute and bid farewell, with the station chief breaking down in sorrow. The assault, carried out by a mentally-troubled man, claimed Su’s life and left the community in mourning. Su, a dedicated and diligent officer, is remembered for his passion and commitment to duty.
    2024/03/01 17:14
  • Taiwan’s Navy showcases might with Lunar New Year drills

    The Ministry of National Defense conducted drills at Zuoying Base in Kaohsiung, showcasing various military hardware such as the Ta Chiang Warship, Kuang Hua VI-class missile boat, M109 Assault Boat, and Hsiung Feng II and Hsiung Feng III mobile launcher vehicles. Lt. Col. Chen Quen-yuan of the Marine Corps’ Amphibious Reconnaissance Group Commander demonstrated the long-distance surveillance capabilities of their drones and highlighted the navy’s commitment to protecting maritime borders. The drills focused on preemptive threat detection and securing territorial waters. The M109 Assault Boat acted as a vanguard, providing critical information for subsequent operations. Commander Chun-Yin Chu of the 2nd Hai Feng Group, Navy, discussed the evolution of shore-based missile units and emphasized the navy’s ability to establish a common combat image and issue unified commands for an organized attack.
    2024/01/31 16:41
  • Father of assailant seeks hospital visit, denied entry

    A student in New Taipei City stabbed his classmate five times over a dispute involving another student, leaving the victim in critical condition. The father of the accused student expressed a desire to visit the victim’s family at the hospital but was declined due to limited visiting hours and the victim’s unconscious state. The injured student was immediately put on ECMO at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital and, although his vital signs have recovered, he remains unconscious. The culprit has been detained in a reform facility, while the other student involved is under the guardianship of an appointed adult. This incident has raised concerns about school safety and youth violence.
    2023/12/27 09:38
  • Dr. Chiang fears long-term effects on stabbing victim

    Dr. Chiang Kuan-yu, a prominent figure, criticized the inadequate security measures on campuses following a severe assault on a teenage student in New Taipei City. Dr. Chiang expressed concern that the victim’s life could be permanently altered due to the attack. He emphasized the potential long-term consequences, even if extracorporeal life support successfully saves the victim’s life and restores breathing. Dr. Chiang pointed out that prolonged absence of vital signs can deprive the brain of oxygen, leading to significant cognitive changes during recovery. The incident occurred when a 15-year-old male student scolded a female classmate for entering another classroom, which provoked her to seek help from a male classmate who then physically attacked the victim with a switchblade. Although the victim was revived through extracorporeal life support, his prognosis remains uncertain. Dr. Chiang condemned the incident as a serious campus safety issue and questioned how a juvenile delinquent managed to bring a knife into the school. He called for a "zero-tolerance" policy towards violence in educational institutions. Dr. Chiang further expressed concerns about the overall safety of students in what he described as a "dark campus" environment and stated that as a parent, he would not allow his child to continue attending the school.
    2023/12/26 10:46
  • Ed. Bureau Director visits victim of campus knife attack

    The director of the New Taipei City Education Bureau, Chang Ming-wen, changed his plans to visit a middle school student at the Far Eastern Memorial Hospital after the student was attacked on campus. The student, from a junior high school in Tucheng District, is in intensive care with serious injuries from a throat-slashing incident. The attack occurred when a male student confronted a female student during lunchtime, leading to verbal and physical assault. The male student used a folding knife to inflict multiple wounds on the victim, causing severe blood loss and cardiac arrest. The school principal stated that the altercation stemmed from discontentment with noise during lunch break. Police are investigating whether there were previous tensions between the students involved. The Education Bureau has prioritized the victim’s recovery and provided full medical assistance, as well as support to the family. Supervisors, social workers, and psychologists were dispatched to the school for assistance, and preliminary counseling has been offered to the students involved. The bureau has also called for increased attention to the affected students and enhanced campus security to ensure their physical and psychological safety.
    2023/12/26 10:36
  • Tina Chou acquitted in defamation suit by Taipei Court

    Taiwanese entertainer Tina Chou, also known as "Da Ya," has been acquitted of defamation charges by the Taipei District Court. Chou had accused her former boss, Chen Chien-chou, of attempting to assault her years ago, leading to Chen filing a defamation suit against her. The court sessions involved testimonies from both parties, ultimately resulting in the prosecutor’s decision not to pursue charges against Chou. Chou expressed gratitude to the judiciary and hoped her experience would encourage other victims of sexual harassment or assault to come forward. Witnesses, including actress Julie Tsai, supported Chou’s claims. Chen, seeking to clear his name, stated his desire to reveal the truth and prove his innocence through legal means. This case highlights the ongoing conversation about sexual misconduct in Taiwan’s entertainment industry and the challenges faced by those who speak out.
    2023/12/19 15:14
  • Aaron Yan exonerated of assault, secret photography charges

    Taiwanese entertainer Aaron Yan has been cleared of charges related to sexual offenses, including secret photography and assault, according to the Shilin District Prosecutors Office. The allegations were made by internet celebrity Chiu Yao-le in June, leading to the suspension of Yan’s entertainment career and side business. Prosecutors found that Yan had shared private videos of Chiu with friends, a violation of the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Yan will only be indicted on charges related to filming and possessing videos depicting the sexual conduct of a minor. The case is scheduled to be heard behind closed doors on December 21.
    2023/12/08 17:38
  • Man to serve full 16 years after High Court denies appeal

    The Taiwan High Court Kaohsiung Branch Court (KSH) has upheld a 16-year sentence for a man named Chen who was convicted of murder and attempted murder. Chen attacked a homeless man, Lee, with a brick after being refused help and insulted, resulting in Lee’s death. The next day, Chen severely injured an air conditioning repairman named Chang. Chen’s previous convictions for assault and violence, as well as a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (APD), were taken into consideration during the trial. The Pintung District Court initially sentenced him to 13 years for murder and 7 years for attempted murder. The Kaohsiung Branch Court has affirmed the original verdict, denying Chen’s appeal and confirming that he will serve the full 16-year term.
    2023/12/07 18:54
  • Taichung to host Migrants Day Fest at Science Museum

    A multicultural festival celebrating "Migrants Day" will take place at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung City on December 10. The festival will feature performances, cultural experiences, and a prize drawing event. In an effort to educate immigrants about marriage management, rights in Taiwan, and the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, the National Immigration Agency’s Central Administration Corps organized a family education and legal advocacy event in Taichung on December 6. The event used creative presentations to help diverse couples recognize signs of physical and psychological abuse, stalking, and harassment. Hsieh Liang, chair of the Union of New Immigrants of Taichung City, served as a marriage educator, teaching communication skills and advising against tolerance for violence. Sung Hsin-hui, a violence prevention planner from the Taichung City Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center, introduced the Domestic Violence Prevention Act and the Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act, as well as reporting procedures and shared case studies. The event provided valuable insights for A Chun, an immigrant from Japan, who gained a correct understanding of family violence and expressed relief that Taiwan’s legal system offers protection to victims. With Taiwan’s immigrant population growing, the NIA aims to foster unity among all ethnic groups and create a welcoming environment for new residents, promoting cultural integration.
    2023/12/07 17:42
  • Keelung Police launch raids after student’s fatal stabbing

    Keelung City Police Bureau conducted raids to combat violent crimes in hotspots like KTV bars and the Keelung Miaokou Night Market. The police force deployed 150 officers from various divisions to tackle security concerns. They successfully cracked down on criminal activities, solving one robbery, one gang assault resulting in murder, two gun law violations, and arresting two fraudsters. The police seized four modified firearms, 12 bullets, and drugs. The clampdown aimed to ensure peace and order in Keelung.
    2023/11/22 19:53
  • 前線辦授勳儀式被俄軍空襲 烏高官害19菁英軍人枉死

    烏克蘭3日歡慶火箭兵和砲兵節,卻傳出陸軍第128山地突擊旅(Mountain-Assault Brigade)在札波羅熱州(Zaporizhzhia)南部前線附近舉行授勳儀式時,遭俄軍彈道飛彈空襲,造成19人枉死,大部分都是軍官。此次襲擊引來國內激憤,許多人難以相信居然在這麼靠近前線的地區舉行,烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)指,已對籌辦負責人展開刑事調查。
    2023/11/08 13:23
  • 誰將取代黑鷹與阿帕契? 美軍:新直升機V-280  

    知名的黑鷹(UH-60 Black Hawk)與阿帕契(Apache attack helicopters)直升機服役多年後,美軍持續物色下一代機型,延續其軍隊對地攻擊和運載能力。《防衛新聞》報導,美國陸軍5日正式宣佈,「未來型長距離突擊機」(Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft)計畫將由貝爾公司(Bell Textron)得標,成為協助美軍設計製造下一代直升機的廠商。這筆合約價值估計上看13億美元(約新台幣398億1900萬元),將由貝爾的 V-280 旋翼機,逐步取代黑鷹與阿帕契兩種機型的功能
    2022/12/06 16:19
  • 環太軍演/預告戰場新型態 美軍黃蜂級兩棲攻擊艦吸睛

    全球規模最大的海上演習「環太平洋軍演」(RIMPAC),持續在美國夏威夷的珍珠港進行,而今年有26國參加,規模號稱史上最大,其中美國的「艾薩克斯號」(USS Essex CV-9)黃蜂級兩棲攻擊艦(Wasp-class amphibious assault ship)已於7日抵達演習現場,於這次的演習強調海上的制空與制海權,預告未來戰場的新型態。
    2022/07/08 12:05
  • 《怪獸與鄧不利多的秘密》伊薩米勒又被捕 拿椅砸傷女子

    演出過電影《怪獸與牠們的產地》系列作品和《正義聯盟》的美國男星伊薩米勒(Ezra Miller),於夏威夷當地時間19日,遭警方以二級攻擊罪(second-degree assault)逮捕。他3月底才剛在酒吧鬧事遭逮,這是他今年第二次爆出脫序行為。
    2022/04/20 14:44
  • 澳媒專訪 吳釗燮:中國似準備發動「最後攻擊」

    澳洲金融時報今天以頭版頭條刊登外交部長吳釗燮專訪,吳釗燮表示,中國似乎在準備向台灣發動最後攻擊(final assault),雖然中國不會立即入侵台灣,但軍事對峙確實存在。
    2021/05/06 14:37
  • 高雲翔案大逆轉?澳媒下標「性侵→侮辱」疑女子誣告 

    因為在電視劇《羋月傳》中飾演深情「義渠王」一角爆紅的大陸男星高雲翔,日前驚爆在澳洲性侵一名36歲女性,引發各界嘩然。不過案情疑似出現大逆轉,有網友在微博上爆料稱,該名自稱被性侵的女子可能是在結算尾款時,和製片人王晶起了爭執,結果高雲翔出手相助卻被誣告性侵。此外,亦有網友發現,澳洲媒體在報導此事時,用詞將「Sexual assault」(性侵犯)改成「Insult」(侮辱),然而消息仍有待證實。
    2018/04/02 11:51
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